Indoor Vs Sun-Grown Weed

indoor vs sun-grown weed

As cannabis consumption continues to grow we are blessed with produce that comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The cannabis used for our pleasure is either grown indoors or out in the open and this leads to a long-running discussion; what is the difference between indoor vs sun-grown cannabis.


Let’s find out by comparing different factors. This should help you understand the differences and why one type of growing method may suit you better than the other.

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Appearance – Look and Feel

There are some noticeable differences between cannabis which is grown indoors vs outdoors. The outdoor plants are generally darker and due to growth cycles in the changing natural elements they have a more weathered look.


Outdoor plants also need to cope with such things as sunlight, moonlight, wind, rain, and 24-hour temperature variances. Clearly, indoor plants do not have to cope with such changes.


As well as looking darker, outdoor plants feel lighter to the touch and their buds are more loosely packed. It is also the case that outdoor growing gives a less pungent smell and can often reflect the type of setting they are surrounded by and thrive in.


When it comes to indoor grows, they are lighter in color. Typically this is brighter green and certain strains feature noticeable other brighter colors such as purple, orange, or red.


The buds also tend to be more tightly packed and often feature more trichomes. Indoor plants will also have a rich scent with aromas such as vanilla, citrus, and lavender.

What’s With the Flavor?

This fact may surprise many but outdoor-grown cannabis is considered to have a richer flavor. This is down to the environment they are growing in. It is their natural surroundings that impart some of their flavors onto the cannabis plant as it grows.


It is an occurrence known as “terroir”. This is a French term used to describe environmental factors that affect a crop’s growth. It applies to all fruits and vegetables grown outside and a good example of terroir comes with the effect it has on grape growth and the subsequent flavor when turned into wine.

Indoor vs Sun-Grown – Which is Stronger?

Again, this is a debatable point. The potency of a cannabis plant is determined by its THC concentration and its strength comes from multiple factors. Healthy plants grown in optimal outdoor conditions that include the right type of soil, sunlight, and a sufficient clean water supply are every bit as potent (some would say more so) as those grown indoors.


However, when grown by an experienced cannabis farmer indoors this gives the grower greater control to introduce elements that will increase THC concentrations. On top of this, indoor plants do not have to resist the elements that outdoor plants are faced with. This means that well-tended indoor cannabis crops can flourish in pristine conditions.


In a controlled indoor environment this also allows growers to infuse more CO2 into the soil and that factor can increase THC concentration.


The bottom line here is that when grown in optimal conditions both indoor vs sun-grown cannabis can be extremely potent. When a user chooses high-quality buds from either growing source they will certainly not be disappointed with the given effect!

Purchase/Shelf Appeal

It is often the case that when comparing buds in a dispensary many cannabis shoppers inadvertently go for indoor grows. The reason for this is that they tend to be more pleasing to the eye and their scent profile is more appealing.


Those factors do not mean that buds grown indoors are inherently better or stronger than outdoor grows. It is simply that indoor grows often appeal more to our senses than those grown exclusively in the sun.

Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact

When it comes to set-up costs and energy consumption it is clear that growing cannabis outdoors in a natural environment is not as expensive as indoor growing. This comes down to the indoor setup costs (which can be recovered over time), the electricity used for lighting, and any purchased additives to help the plants prosper.


Electricity costs are the biggest cost factor for indoor growers and because of this, some are turning to other forms of power such as solar heating. While this has to be seen as a real positive there are set-up costs to take into account. Such costs can be prohibitively expensive but these can be offset over time against the cost of paying continuously for a national grid electricity supply.


But, it is the environmental impact that sees natural, organic, sun-grown cannabis win hands down. Indoor crops use far more energy, soil, and water to yield a crop. An example here comes from the fact that once an indoor crop has been harvested, new soil is generally required to begin the next crop.


This is not the case with healthy sun-grown crops because they naturally reutilize the soil in which they grow. Indoor crops also produce a lot more wastewater and responsible growers need to use more electricity for filtration before reintroducing it into local sewerage systems.


It is still the case that many indoor growing operations are using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides during production. If these are discarded and find their way into water systems through run-offs this is clearly detrimental to the environment.


On the plus side, the environmental effects of growing cannabis are being increasingly understood by cannabis farmers. With that, more are taking greater responsibility in caring for the environment through measures to improve their operations. This can only be seen as a positive step forward.

Which is Best for you? Indoor Vs Sun-Grown?

This really is a question that is best answered by you! There are now countless strains of indoor and outdoor cannabis on the market. As well as being available to smoke there are now edibles of many different kinds to go for.


The indoor Vs sun-grown issue is always an interesting one. Each one offers a different experience and the type of high some thrive on may not be for others. Strength and flavor are also subjective and down to what floats your personal boat.


This means it will pay to educate yourself on what is available and to understand the company behind the product as well as their growing conditions and quality control procedures. Many cannabis users also, quite rightly, place a big emphasis on the environmental impact that cannabis farming causes.


Do take time to sample a variety of both indoor and outdoor cannabis strains. Doing so will help you find that sweet spot!


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